If you need a new sign for your Sydney business, and you look for a commercial sign company on Google.com.au, you will see loads of them. In fact, Sydney sign companies are almost a dime a dozen.Sydney Australia signs
However, here is something to consider. Not all sign manufacturers are the same.
Well, we would say that, wouldn’t we? But it’s true. We are a big enough company that we can produce signs in any size and in any type of material that you wish – metal, acrylic signage, from ACM to LED / 3D / Lightbox, LED signs, Neon signage, – you name it, we make it. So, yes, we can make anything that you wish.
Not only that, but we can install your sign for you. Even though we are in Leichhardt in NSW, and you may happen to be in Perth, it’s not a problem. We have partnerships with people who can install your new sign wherever you may be.
We Make Signs to Do A Job
But even more important than all that is our philosophy. We don’t just “make signs”. We make signs to do a job.
What does that mean? Well, apart from some signs such as “Entrance”, “Exit”, “This Way”, and so on, most signs that we make are for the promotion of your business, non-profit, charity, or whatever it is that you run. The whole object of the vast majority of signs is to persuade the people who see them to take some form of action.
That means that your signs must be designed in order to achieve the end that you wish to achieve – not just say “Here we are. Look at us”.
In other words, our signs are there to sell whatever idea it is that you want to promote to the viewer.
“What is so special about you? Why should I use your services rather than someone else’s?”
Let’s say you are “J. Smith Electrical Engineers”. You can have a sign which says that. But why not “J. Smith – Sydney’s Best Electrical Engineers”?
(Now, without wishing to appear rude, you may actually not be the best electrical engineering firm in Sydney. Maybe there is a better one. Quite how you define that is a moot point anyway!). But that is not the point.
The point is promotion. When someone sees your name when they search on Google because they need an electrician, they will remember that you are the “BEST” in Sydney! So, who they gonna call? We feel strongly that our clients seek to be the best company in their industry, and we struggle to be the best sign company in Sydney.
Do you see what we mean? Our job as a commercial sign company is to promote your business, not just put a sign over your stall.